Legal notice

"Gans" Ges.m.b.H

Ameisgasse 65
1140 Vienna

Phone: 43 (1) 9141327
Fax: 43 (1) 9141465

Business purpose: Retail trade with textiles

Managing directors: Silvia Gütl, MBA; Sophie-Thérèse Weiner, Mag.

Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court

Competent supervisory authority: Municipal district office for the 13th and 14th district

Applicable trade law regulations: Trade regulations(

Chamber, professional association: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, trade association

Company register number: FN 98358w

Value added tax identification number(s): ATU53692801

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here We are prepared to participate in an out-of-court arbitration procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

The responsible body is the Internet Ombudsman Association, Ungargasse 64-66/3/404, 1030 Vienna,